суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

Tasks to be completed

Dear students,

Within the next two weeks do the following tasks using the resources of the latest workshop "Integrating the Internet into the Classroom"created  by M.Krauss    

2.Create a Treasure/Scavenger Hunt on any topic you like.

3.Do the first four tasks given on  WEEK3. DAY 1  of the course   ( "S.M.A.R.T. Framework and Multiple Intelligences " )

4.Study the resources of the   ESL Independent   Study Lab on    http://legacy.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/toppicks.html     

5.Browse some of Joan Berger's scenarios so you understand how they are constructed. (Note: The links to the Web sites in the Scenarios are not all working, but you will get a good idea of how the Scenarios are designed) 

6.Find a Web site (for example the site of Portland-Khabarovsk Sister-city association ( http://www.pksca.org/ ) and write a scenario of your own, complete with guided questions.

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